Watered up!

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

This morning I dropped Jeremy (my seven year old) off at the babysitter’s house and we had a short but funny conversation. I told him, “Hey Jeremy we gotta get you water baptized soon. Now that you’ve trusted in Jesus as your Savior we need to get you to take the next step.” His response cracked me up.

“Yeah daddy. It’s time to get watered up.”

I have never heard it put that way but it made me laugh.

So I have a question for you blog reading believer in Jesus. Have you been water baptized? If you are a Christian it is the first step of obedience that our King calls us to take. While water baptism doesn’t save you it is a crucial step toward spiritual maturity. It is a public proclamation of an inward transformation. It is an opportunity for the community of Christ to rejoice with you, pray for you and invest in you as you grow in the grace and the knowledge of ourLord Jesus.

I never understood Christians who were nonchalant about being water baptized. Jesus commands us to make disciples and “baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” That doesn’t sound optional to me.

If you are a dry believer it’s time to get “watered up” for Jesus. Take a cue from Jeremy and jump on in…the water’s fine.

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