Going Green

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

I’m doing a new series on our Dare 2 Share Uncensored Podcasts called Going Green. No, not that kind of green. But I do think that environmentalism concern is a great analogy for taking care of the climate of our soul.

Here are the titles and descriptions of the sermons in this short series.

1. Plant a Tree for Jesus (on Psalm 1 and what takes place when we plant our tree by the rivers of water instead of the world)
2. Jesus Recycles (on the power of prayer to transform our inner life and give us a renewed strength)
3. Conserve Energy (on living in the power of the Spirit of God instead of trying to live the Christian life in our own strength)
4. Pick up your trash (on cleaning up the areas of our lives that are littered with besetting sins and bad habits.)

Anyway, I hope the environmental analogy won’t tick anybody off. Sometimes people are sensitive about this subject. If you happen to be one of those who get angry at this sort of thing just realize I’m using this series as an analogy, nothing else. Please don’t burn my books or waste fuel by getting in your car to drive over to Starbucks to confront me. It will only add to global warming.

Seriously, my hope and prayer is that this series encourages all of us (no matter what our take on the issue of creation care) to make our souls the purest place in all of God’s green earth.

By the way Dare2share Uncensored podcasts are available on dare2share.org as well as iTunes. You can download the sermon outlines and use them in small group or Sunday school or wherever. Check them out!

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