We won something!

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

Outreach Magazine just announced their Outreach Resources of the Year for 2006 and, guess what? Our book Dare 2 Share…A Field Guide to Sharing Your Faith won for the best resource in the youth category!

I say “our book” because, although technically I’m the author, it was really a joint project between myself, Lane Palmer, Jane Dratz and, of course, our awesome editor Marianne Herring with Focus on the Family. So let me take a few moments to brag on my co-collaborators in researching, writing and editing this little red book.

My good buddy Lane Palmer (youth ministry specialist here at Dare 2 Share and mastermind behind all things Soul Fuel) did an amazing job doing research for the “How to witness to…” section of the book and, beside my personal stories, pretty much wrote that entire section. Way to go bro!

Jane Dratz is a phenom! She helps the non politically correct Greg Stier think, well, with a little more balance and perspective. She helped me to re-think and re-write too many parts of this book to recount. Suffice it to say, this book would not be as nearly as compelling without her excellent input.

Marianne rocks. She worked hard on this project. I love the way she pushed back with us on some things and pushed back with Focus on other things to make the Dare 2 Share book all it could be. Marianne was and is a champion for the little red book that could!

But more than anything else I want to thank all of you who are reading and using it to share Jesus with your friends. I think that the editors of Outreach Magazine put it best when they wrote, “…the most precious aspect of this resource is surely its ability to incite in students an excitement and fervor for the Gospel and thus a natural desire to share Christ’s message.”

My prayer is that every reader of this book (young or old) is more excited and that much more equipped to share their faith as a result of going through it. Winning an award is cool, but winning souls is even better.

Keep sharing!

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