I didn’t puke or pass out.
Praise God.
Thanks for all your prayers while I preached at Youth Specialties. I think things went well through his grace unleashed on me through your prayers! Now my big prayer request is that the youth leaders who heard the sermon and are reading the book (we gave away 2,000+ Ministry Mutiny books to everyone who came to my general session as kind of an official book launch) are energized by the Spirit of God to put what they learned into practice. Payday for me doesn’t come from applause over a sermon preached but when I know that a youth leader is putting into practice what they learned.
By the way if you haven’t checked out Ministry Mutiny yet you can read a sample here. I’d love to get your input on the ideas in this book. It has some revolutionary principles in it that could change the face of youth ministry. I can say that because I didn’t come up these principles…God did! What I present in MM is a “radical new paradigm that’s 2,000 years old.”
Back home for a few days and then off to Phoenix for a donor breakfast and youth leader luncheon and then off to Twin Cities for this weekend for our second Game Day conference of the tour. Keep praying!