My prayer for you and your youth group in 2015

Picture of Greg Stier
Greg Stier

praying_on_bible_redDear Heavenly Father,

Take this youth group and engulf it in your love. May that love spur a deep thirst for purity and holiness on every level. Transform each teenager through your grace from the inside out until they know that they are loved fully and are free to fully love others.

Scrub them clean from the things of this world and give them a singular eye on you and you alone. May they find their security and significance in their relationship with you. May they be reminded they are secure in Christ and have significance in taking their place in His cause to “seek and to save the lost.”

May their quest to reach their unreached classmates and teammates spill over racial and socio-economic lines. May these teenagers fill this youth group with other teens of the other races and backgrounds represented in their community. May the deep unity, visually expressed in this youth group, be a fulfillment of the unity expressed in Ephesians 2:11-22 and Christ’s high priestly prayer. Use this youth group as an example of true unity in Christ that can calm racial tensions, transform torn communities and build bridges of lasting hope.

Give this youth leader the wisdom, grace, strength, fortitude and faith to lead these teenagers well. Encourage this leader through visual and visceral evidence of your power at work through them. Provide for them financially and relationally on every level.

I ask you Daddy to give this youth leader a bigger and bolder vision for their community and this world. Break their hearts for those who are lost and give them adult leaders and student leaders whose hearts are set ablaze by this same burning passion. May they fail forward together until making disciples who make disciples sets the pace for the entire church.

If this youth leader is married strengthen his/her marriage. If this youth leader is single then strengthen his/her soul. Keep this youth leader pure from sexual sin and teach them to live by your love and not the lists of legalism. Grant this youth leader favor with pastors, parents and other youth leaders in their community. Unite them all together in a holy quest to transform their community one young life at a time through prayer and the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Do this all for your glory in 2015 and use it to unleash a revival of Biblical proportions from coast to coast.

In Jesus Name,


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