10 reasons you should start sharing your faith right away
1. Jesus commanded us to (Matthew 28:19.) 2. It’s good news (Romans 1:16.) 3. There’s an urgency to it (2 Thessalonians 1:8,9.)
1. Jesus commanded us to (Matthew 28:19.) 2. It’s good news (Romans 1:16.) 3. There’s an urgency to it (2 Thessalonians 1:8,9.)
1. Playing fun games is actually part of their job description. 2. Teenagers come to Christ quicker and spread the Gospel faster than
1. Tweet “The blood Jesus shed was RED, so that your sins could be made WHITE and you could stop being
1. The greeting team looks like they’ve been baptized in lemon juice. 2. There is a huge emphasis on holiness, but little
1. Jesus would never kick you out of his rally. 2. TrusTED? No Trust Jesus.
1. Give kids the choice between Angel food cake and Deviled eggs to see where they’re at spiritually. 2. Instead of
1. When the pastor asks you what you thought of his sermon say, “Honestly, I’ve heard better.” 2. Use the church
“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present
1. You don’t know, I mean really know, many non-Christians. Possible Solutions: Get to know your neighbors/Take a co-worker out
1. Invite neighbors over to your house for egg nog (or whatever) and let the conversation naturally unfold. Idea: Ask
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– Lee Strobel
The story of how a fatherless street kid overcame violence, chaos, and confusion to become a radical Christ follower.